Re-imagine you is a three month personalized, individual, embodiment container for those who are looking to immerse into a deep reflection to transform their inner world and create a new reality. This experience is for those who are looking to make a longer term commitment to taking the embodied feelings and actions to create sustainable minor or major shifts in your life. If you have felt a dissonance between your mind and your body and have struggled with anxious sensations but yearn for pleasure, sensual vivaciousness, a life of ease, and the space to re-imagine what your human experience can be like, this is the space for you. In our virtual container, I invite you to drop into your body and allow the felt senses to be honoured. Each week we explore the aligned feelings, direction and emotions through the pillars of embodiment; awareness, breath, sound and movement to reclaim your bodily awareness and meet your mental and physical conditioning in its current form. In our time together, we we will explore the feminine, take the steps to actively decolonize the mind, body, spirit, re-wire any patterns around shame and the ego, become playful in connection with your nervous system and liberate pleasure.

  • Re-Imagine You is for you if you're ready to develop a deeper relationship with the feminine and embrace the softness life has to offer

  • Re-Imagine You is for you if you are ready to make transformational changes in your personal life

  • Re-Imagine You is for you if you're open to exploring emotional wounds and scars so that you can be open to love in all it's flavours

  • Re-Imagine You is for you if you're in a space of stagnancy or complacency and are ready for the next steps in your life

  • Re-Imagine You is for you if you're seeking to reclaim your internal power

  • Re-Imagine You is for you if you're ready to begin the journey of decolonizing and recapitalizing your human experience

For our time together in this container, I invite you to bring 3-5 specific challenges, desires, experiences or situations to the space. Ensure that you are in a mental and physical environment of safety where you can feel free to express yourself in any small of large movement. Having water or a tea nearby, and even a journal for some post-session reflecting can help. I encourage you to bring an open mind and heart into the space so that you can fully receive the medicines of the feminine and gift yourself the energetic means to do so. A virtual connection with good internet, audio & video (if you choose) helps to make things run smoothly.

Each session includes a holistic embodied meditation, guidance through the somatic process based on your desire and goals, and a follow up email capturing any insights from our time together. The entire 3 month container gives you access to a personalized playlist that aligns to your desired outcome, unlimited email support, journal prompts and affirmations, & recommended creative tools to process your insights from each session. Each month will include 3 embodied sessions and 1 integration week for your own personal reflections, rituals and practices.

The container of 9, 60 minute sessions is a $900 USD exchange in full. Payment plans are available upon discussion. I am accepting e-transfers and PayPal transfers. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me or book a 30 minute call with me to discuss.

For cancellations or rescheduling, 24hrs notice is greatly appreciated xx